Friday, February 7, 2014

the only spot a mom can relax

I am sorry to have to do this to you, but for me it is the only spot I just let go of everything, close my eyes and unwind from the day. In a hot, bubble bath at midnight. It just so happens to be around the time you get to yourself.

So here are my thoughts.

Giving up is not an option. Letting go is not an option. Being who I once was... definitely not an option. I have only one, to stay a mother. To learn to embrace that I am not perfect, that I make mistakes and I learn from them. That I have no right answer, but I can find it out, if there happens to be one... somewhere. I look at my children, they have clothes, food, shelter, uncondtional love, and a short tempered mother. I hope I can count on someone out there to agree with me...that sometimes you are not made with patience, but you have to grow into it. That you aren't born to be a parent, but you guide yourself to become one. And it takes trial and error, but don't be too hard on yourself. 

There are days, upon days where I feel like giving up, those are the days when my boys will not listen, when they fist fight, throw things, yell and cry. When Leah May is teething or over tired or hell, JUST put down for a nap and her brothers are too loud where she wakes up 5 minutes after. Literally happens when I sit down, and let out the worlds biggest exhausted sigh. The housework that needs to be done, can not and will not (most days) be done in the day, but rather at 2 am, when you are SURE your littles are tucked into bed. ( I leave the laundry for my boyfriend.. yuck). It almost seems like we, as moms, never get a break... but we think "do we really have the right to a break? I mean, we signed up for this.. this is our job". You are DAMN skippy we deserve a break! ( and dads do too). It is NOT easy, I do not give a flying squirrel what you think, it is just not easy being a SAHM when you have 2+ kids. And a nice hot bath at midnight does not count. I mean a legit, girls day, get pampered break!

We love our job though!! We would NOT change it for the world, this is who we have become, who we have been accustomed too. And it is the BEST damn job out there. So when you feel like enough is enough, remember your little spawns, think about how many smiles they put on your face, how randomly saying "I Love You" makes you feel... because that will change your mind, that right there, makes all those late nights,  all those cries you let out, and all those grey hairs.. worth while!!

Smile and keep on keepin' on mommas!! You rock!!

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